Home keeping ideas

How to Cut Cost in Your Home and Save More

Life has its ups and downs and at this particular period, most of us are already
feeling the heat of the pandemic. Such are the uncertainties of life. This
pandemic should be a lesson that we should be ready to adjust to changing
situations in this life. Similarly, you need to find ways to cut costs in your
home during this pandemic. 
One of the most important lessons I have learned in this life is that you should
live within your means. With a ton of discipline and financial strategy, you can
achieve this without a doubt. Whether you are living alone or with your family,
the tips below will save you big time.

Cut cost on food

One of the things you have to do to cut costs in your house is to make slight
changes to your diet. However, make sure that your meals are nutritious to
achieve a balanced diet. Remember, this is when you need a strong immune
system most.

You must give up going out to eat on a whim and also stop ordering expensive
food from restaurants. You must be willing to sacrifice and quit eating
luxurious food and drinks for a while. It’s not a bad idea to relax your
standards a bit to save money. 
Another way to cut costs at home is by carrying packed food to work. Instead
of buying food or snacks at your work cafe, carry a homemade smoothie or
fruit juice.

Adda Bjarnadottir recommends that you plan for your meals by checking what
you already have in the house and make a list of what you need to buy and
stick to it. She also gives tips on what you should buy and not buy when
surviving on a tight budget. 

Buy from shops that sell things cheaper.
During tough times you have to find smart ways to survive and that includes
cutting costs. Ever since the pandemic hit the world, the economy has been hit
hard and most of us have to survive on a small budget.
It is during this period that I have found myself looking out for shops that sell
stuff more cheaply. For instance, I prefer to go to a grocery shop far off the
street because they sell their groceries cheaper compared to other shops.
Surprisingly, I have been able to save a few cents here and there, and when I
add the cents I can buy an extra item.

Save electricity

Once in a while, you find yourself using electricity unnecessarily even when you
don’t have to. At times I forget to switch off my bedroom light and notice
hours later. Right now, I can’t afford to do that because I am on a tight budget.
The last thing I want to have at this time is a huge electricity bill.
Therefore I have come up with ways to reduce power consumption to cut costs
in my home and I hope that you can do the same. 

  • Consider doing the following;
  • Reduce the use of appliances that consume a lot of power.
  • Minimize the use of electric appliances such as microwave, washing machine, electric kettle, rice cooker, and electric cooker. Also, don’t leave appliances plugged in or on when you do not need them.

    The following methods will help
  • a) Use a gas cooker instead of an electric cooker.
  • b) Handwash clothes that are easy to clean and air dry them instead of using a dryer, especially during summer. Also, use cold water to wash your clothes whenever possible instead of hot water. You can use hot water for towels and beddings.  
  • c) Warm your food using the microwave only when necessary.
  • d) Only iron clothes that you intend to wear on that particular day. -Some people iron half their wardrobe and end up not wearing the outfits they ironed after changing their minds.

Other ways include:

  1. Ventilate your house naturally without the use of electricity. During
    summer, you can open windows when it’s not too hot and only run the (AC)
    air conditioner when it’s very hot.
  2. Switch off light bulbs during the day. Draw your curtains and open windows
    to get enough light.
  3. This is the best time to replace your light bulbs with energy-efficient LED’s
    especially if you depend on electricity to light up your house in the daytime.

Use homemade cleaning solutions

You can cut costs in your home and save more by using homemade cleaning
solutions. It is easy to make homemade cleaning solutions for different
purposes using simple things that you already have in your house. Don’t spend
a lot on detergents that you can make in the comfort of your home. 

Check and repair faulty appliances

Take up the task of checking your household appliances especially those that
consume energy to ensure they are in a good state. Such appliances include
the fridge and washing machine. Ensure that there are no loose seals. 
Don’t forget to check if there are any leakages from your taps or pipes serving
your house. If there are any, have them repaired immediately to avoid water
wastage that will add to your bill.

Cancel some subscriptions 

This simply means that you should mull over canceling subscriptions that are
not so important to you. Continue with the ones worth keeping especially
those that facilitate your work. As a real estate agent, I have unsubscribed
from the power director to edit my videos and canvas (pro). I am now using the
free versions for now.

Cut cable.

If you are using the cable, consider cutting it. You won’t miss a thing. You can
replace it with the Amazon firestick which is very easy to use. You just plug it
into your HDMI port and it will give you access to your favorite TV shows,
music, photos, games, and subscription services. 
Alternatively, Amazon Prime could also serve you right as it has great benefits
that you will definitely enjoy. To mention a few; free fast shipping for eligible
purchases. Check out their current offers on free two-day shipping on many
items. You also get access to music and TV shows, streaming movies,
unlimited reading, and exclusive shopping deals and selection. Their 30-day
the free trial gives you an option to continue with the service or cancel.

Stop shopping online

Nothing feels good like shopping online because you get everything you need
by just clicking. Well, you have to sacrifice buying stuff online to cut costs in
your home. I know the temptation that comes with browsing the internet and
landing on ads with appealing items that you might want to add to your cart
and by the time you know it, your cart is full. 
It’s all about setting your priorities right. Avoid at all costs buying stuff on a
whim. Budget for every dollar and only buy things that you need. To achieve
this, you must be highly cautious of the things that make you want to spend.

Move to a cheaper house

No doubt that life might become tougher day by day due to the recession in
the economy. A big population is already suffering from salary cuts and

unpaid leave. Some people no longer have jobs and some businesses have or
are shutting down. Most people are hanging on a thread and can no longer
afford the same kind of life they used to live before the pandemic.

If you are already struggling to pay your rent, leave alone your electricity,
internet, or water bills; it is time to move to a cheaper house. Moving can be
expensive but in this case, it is for the best. The reason being, you can’t
compare a recurring monthly cost to a one-off cost. Look for affordable
moving companies within your area and negotiate with them for a better price
to reduce the moving cost.
You will find that living in a house you can afford without straining quite
fulfilling. You will be simply living within your means. Thank me later!

Negotiate on interests

If you know you are going to delay paying your rent on time, talk to your
landlord before he charges you more for late payment. Negotiate for lower
interest rates. This also applies to your credit card and mortgage (if you have
any). Negotiate for more favorable interest rates with your lender. If you are in
a position to pay your bills in full, the better as you won’t be charged extra, it
will only improve your credit score.

Insurance Rates

Negotiating terms with your insurance company could also save you a great
deal. Ask your insurer what they can do to lower your rates and do the same
with other bill companies. 
I hope that these tips will help you cut costs and save more. I recommend that
you take advantage of the current situation and look for ideas that will lead
you to financial stability. Keep safe, sanitize, and look out for the people you
care about. 

Check out my post on: Fun Things to Do on Your Break While Working
from Home (During Corona Virus Pandemic)

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